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Oregon Teachers of English to Speakers of Other Languages

Support for Title III Appropriations Sign-on Letter

19 Mar 2023 10:03 AM | ORTESOL Communications (Administrator)

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Dear Fellow TESOLers,

The budget process is in full swing in the 118th Congress and we have opportunity to build support for the funding of multilingual learners of English (MLE) in our public education system.

The President has called for a 34% increase to ESEA Title III funding, but to ensure that funding keeps pace not only with inflation but also the numbers of learners, the budget amount needs to reach $2 Billion.

As part of this process, the House of Representatives is reviewing appropriations and we have support from Representatives Garcia, Craig, Espaillat, and Grijalva in the form of a Dear Colleague sign-on letter (see attached).

Please encourage your Representative to sign-on and support our MLEs! Time is of the essence as the sign-on letter is open only through close of business 21 March 2023!

To send a letter to your representative, visit our Advocacy Action Center now by clicking the link below.

TESOL Advocacy Action Center

We look forward to seeing many of you Portland next week and hope to see you at the Advocacy and Colleague sessions (see here). 


Jeff Hutcheson
Director, Advocacy & Public Policy


Mailing Address: PO Box 12322, Portland, OR 97212


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