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Oregon Teachers of English to Speakers of Other Languages


ORTESOL welcomes anyone who has a professional or personal interest in teaching English to speakers of other languages in the state of Oregon; this includes (but is not limited to) teachers who work in a wide range of settings, pre-service teachers, administrators, and community volunteers.

Benefits of ORTESOL Membership

  • Members receive discounted rates for the annual fall conference: an annual gathering devoted to professional development; networking between educators in K-12, Adult Ed, and Higher Ed; and furthering the field of ESOL in Oregon (registration fees must be paid in addition to membership dues).
  • Members receive discounted rates for Spring Workshops, a one-day professional development opportunity.
  • Subscription to the ORTESOL Journal, which publishes articles on topics of significance to individuals concerned with the teaching of English as a second or foreign language. Journal is delivered electronically.
  • Access to the ORTESOL mailing list, which offers information on upcoming professional development events, job postings, and other opportunities for ORTESOL members.
  • Access to ORTESOL grants. Visit the Membership page to apply:
    • James Nattinger Travel Grant for the International TESOL Convention – awarded before TESOL early registration deadline.
    • Marge Terdal Action Research Grant - awarded on an as needed basis. 
    • The New Teacher Grant - awarded on an as needed basis. 
    • ORTESOL Fall Conference Travel Grant – awarded before the ORTESOL Fall Conference.
    • Chance to win free TESOL Memberships at the fall conference.
  • Voting rights for ORTESOL board positions.

Please note that ORTESOL membership does not include membership for TESOL International.

Membership Fees

ORTESOL's annual membership rates 

$35 | Full-TimE Educator

Receive $5 off Full-time Educator membership level if you sign up for automatic renewal!

$25 | Part-Time Educator

Receive $5 off Part-time Educator membership level if you sign up for automatic renewal!

$20 | Student

This option is for pre-service educators.


$20 | REtired Teacher

$20 | Not Currently Teaching

Membership is for 12 months from the date of enrollment or renewal. 

Join    Renew


Mailing Address: PO Box 12322, Portland, OR 97212


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