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Oregon Teachers of English to Speakers of Other Languages


The following presentation materials have been provided by speakers at ORTESOL events.

Stephen Reder,
Portland State University

Christina Chapman, Geralyn Holland,
Amy Boswell-Rea, Salem-Keizer Public Schools

Deborah Healey, Jeff Magoto, 
American English Institute, University of Oregon

Karen Ulloa, Amy Griffin,
American English Institute, University of Oregon

Gina Caruso, Domminick McParland,
Portland English Language Academy

Dr. Santos Gutierrez,
Pacific University

Sylvia G. Ramirez,
Mira Costa College

Alexis Terrell, Tara Waller,
INTO Oregon State University

Martha Martinez, Michelle McCoy,
Oregon Department of Education

Martha Martinez, Michelle McCoy,
Oregon Department of Education

Ewa Chomka-Campbell,
Equal Access To Education LLC

Cevia Yellin, Misti Williamsen,
American English Institute, University of Oregon


Mailing Address: PO Box 12322, Portland, OR 97212


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