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Oregon Teachers of English to Speakers of Other Languages


The ORTESOL Journal Volume 32, 2015


Re-evaluating the speaking and listening demands of university classes for novice international students 
Beth Sheppard, Jennifer Rice, Korey Rice, Brendan DeCoster, Rachel Drummond-Sardell & Nate Soelberg
University of Oregon American English Institute

Introducing Verbpathy in the English Language Classroom: Encouraging Students to Feel the Essence and Emotion of Words 
Patrick T. Randolph, Western Michigan University

State of the Art Student Support Services in an IEP Learning Center 
Jessica Hanson, Jeffrey Maxwell & Monika Mulder, Portland State University

The Call to Collaborate: Key Considerations as ELD and Classroom Teachers Begin to Align New Standards 
Kena Avila, Linfield College

Reading Level Placement and Assessment for ESL/EFL Learners: The Reading Level Measurement Method 
Aaron David Mermelstein, Ming Chuan University

Increasing Confidence and English Use Outside the ESL/IEP Classroom 
Isaac Gaines, University or Oregon

Teaching Notes

Using Speech-Language Pathology Techniques to Enhance Pronunciation Instruction
Susan Ginley, Shannon Guinn-Collins & Jenny Stenseth, Portland State University

Developing Self-Evaluation Skills Through Giving Peer Writing Feedback
Misaki Kato, University of Oregon

Book Review

Pronunciation Myths: Applying Second Language Research to Classroom Teaching 
Reviewed by Teresa Cunningham Byrnes, Portland English Language Academy


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