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Oregon Teachers of English to Speakers of Other Languages

TEaching Resources

Teaching Resources

This resource is a collection of websites, tools and ideas from members. ORTESOL Members can also contribute resources in the discussion board below. If you find a broken link or outdated information, please contact Thank you for helping us maintain this resource.

Teaching Resource Discussion Board

We invite ORTESOL Members to contribute to this list. Add links, ideas and tools you use in your classroom.

Member Guidelines for adding a resource

  • Put the name of the resource in the subject line.
  • Add a description of what the resource is, how to use it and/or why it is useful in the classroom.
  • Include keywords that will help people find your resource in a search. Examples of keywords: reading, listening, videos, grammar, games
  • Please do not include promotions or commercial ads.


Last message


25 Feb 2024 12:17 PM ORTESOL Communications (Administrator)
25 Feb 2024 12:14 PM ORTESOL Communications (Administrator)
25 Feb 2024 12:13 PM ORTESOL Communications (Administrator)
25 Feb 2024 12:12 PM ORTESOL Communications (Administrator)
25 Feb 2024 12:11 PM ORTESOL Communications (Administrator)
25 Feb 2024 12:10 PM ORTESOL Communications (Administrator)


Mailing Address: PO Box 12322, Portland, OR 97212


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