Overall Objective: Serve as a representative of a limited region of the state to better inform, educate and distribute information from the Board. The Regional Representative will act as a liaison between the ORTESOL Board and ORTESOL members in their regions. The position is open to any teacher of ESOL from K-12 to adult education.
Election: Each Regional Representative will be elected by ORTESOL members for a 2-year term
Duties & Time commitment: Approximately 20 hours of commitment per year for 2 years excluding the quarterly board meeting time
Eastern: Cities including Hood River, The Dalles, Pendleton, Hermison, John Day, Burns, La Grande, Baker City; Columbia Gorge CC, Blue Mountain CC, Eastern Oregon University
Central: Cities including Eugene, Bend, Redmond, La Pine, Cottage Grove; Central OR CC, University of Oregon, Oregon State University, Lane CC, Linn-Benton CC
Southern: Cities including Ashland, Roseburg, Grants Pass, Medford, Klamath Falls; Klamath CC, Rogue CC, Southern Oregon University, Umpqua CC
Coast: Cities including Lincoln City, Pacific City, Florence, Gold Beach, Brookings, Newport, Coos Bay, Astoria, Cannon Beach, and Tillamook ; Southwestern Oregon CC, Oregon Coast CC