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Oregon Teachers of English to Speakers of Other Languages

Guidelines for the Special Interest Group: Refugee/Immigrant Concerns SIG Chair (1 position) 

Duties & Time commitment: Approximately 70-90 hours of commitment per year for 2 years  excluding the quarterly board meeting time

  1. Serve on state, national, and international committees and workgroups advocating  for the interests of ORTESOL in general, ELs and Refugees.  

  2. Actively solicit papers and presentations from SIG members for the  conference and/or workshops. 

  3. Serve on the Election Committee (checking references, making  recommendations to committee).  

  4. Serve on the Reading Committee for Conference/Workshop planning.

  5. Serve on the Grant Committee. 

  6. Serve on the Advocacy Committee.  
  7. Collaborate with the publications chair to help write or solicit interviews,  articles, and pictures that highlight the SIG. 

  8. Maintain an up-to-date contact list of Adult Ed English programs around the  state. 

  9. Communicate information to SIG group members. 
  10. Moderate online discussion forums for SIGs as needed. 
  11. Elicit needs and interests from SIG group members. 
  12. Forward job announcements to the Tech Team.  
  13. Organize ESOL Awareness Week activities as determined by the board.


Mailing Address: PO Box 12322, Portland, OR 97212


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