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Oregon Teachers of English to Speakers of Other Languages


The ORTESOL Journal Volume 31, 2014


Teacher Evaluation 
Melinda Sayavedra, Oregon State University & Western Oregon University

Implementing Case Studies in Language Teacher Education and Professional Development 
Kenneth Kelch & Miralynn Malupa-Kim, Alliant International University

Integrating Pragmatics Instruction in a Content-Based Classroom 
Anna Krulatz, Sør-Trøndelag University College

Explicit Vocabulary Instruction 
Belinda Young-Davy, University of Oregon

Balancing Content & Language in the English Language Development Classroom 
Danielle Reynolds-Young, Cecile Trost Elementary School, Canby School District, Sally Hood University of Portland

Teaching Notes

Top 10 Things to Observe When Observing a Language Class
Laura Holland, University of Oregon

Facilitating Language Use Outside the Classroom
Isaac Gaines, University of Oregon

Using Picture Word Inductive Method to Teach Vocabulary
Suda Shaman, Washington State University


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