Overall Objective: Serve as the liaison between ORTESOL, TESOL, and other affiliates and stay up to date on issues in our field.
Election: One Affiliate Liaison will be elected by ORTESOL members for a 2-year term.
Duties & Time commitment: Approximately 50 hours of commitment per year for 2 years excluding the quarterly board meeting time
Assimilate and disseminate information that comes to and from the TESOL organization and other affiliates (time commitment: 1-2 hours/week depending on material to be distributed.)
With input from members and SIG chairs, compose ORTESOL position statements, get board approval, and disseminate to members, government offices, other organizations, and the public (time commitment will vary depending on nature of documents to be composed)
Serve on the Advocacy Committee.
Serve on the Conference and Workshop Committee.
Attend and represent ORTESOL at any board-approved affiliate conferences. 6. Organize an informal gathering for ORTESOL members at the annual TESOL international conference.
Attend, or suggest alternate to attend, the annual TESOL Advocacy Summit. Maintain legislative and other contacts for advocacy to pass on to the next TESOL Liaison. Write a report on the Advocacy Summit for the blog or website.
Report to the ORTESOL Board about TESOL activities at board meetings. 9. The outgoing liaison will make sure that a report of procedures taken to address each duty is passed on, as well as all documents associated with the position.