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Oregon Teachers of English to Speakers of Other Languages

Donate and Support Teachers and ORTESOL's mission

ORTESOL is operated by an all volunteer board composed of dedicated teachers. Our goal is to create professional development opportunities for English language teachers and to inform the public about the issues faced by our newcomers, residents, and international students.

Since 1977, we've collaborated across Oregon's public and private educational institutions to create ongoing education and training for instructors at all levels including university programs, adult basic skills courses in community colleges, K-12, and those serving learners in community-based settings. We wish to be a partner to the Oregon state and other groups with similar interests in achieving educational goals for all English language learners locally.

If you would like to support ORTESOL’s mission to promote high quality ESOL programs in Oregon, please donate now. ORTESOL is a 501(c)3 nonprofit organization with the EIN: 93-0687301. Your contribution is tax deductible. 
  • A gift of $20 helps to support the cost of providing printed materials + basic advocacy work.
  • A gift of $50 helps us to hire and bring local and nationally recognized speakers to our conferences.
  • A gift of $100 or more helps us to fund more travel or research grants to teachers!

All funds are used to help us with advocacy, sponsor grants for teachers, and provide specialized instructional or advocacy materials. ORTESOL only gives grants to local projects and instructors residing in Oregon. We prioritize rural educators whenever possible.



See the IMAC website for updated information on how to donate to the Immigrant Mutual Aid Coalition.

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Mailing Address: PO Box 12322, Portland, OR 97212


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