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Oregon Teachers of English to Speakers of Other Languages


12 Jul 2018 7:24 PM | Anonymous


ORTESOL monthly blog is a place to grow professionally by writing and reading about relevant ESOL news.

Kara Sappington

ORTESOL President

The mission of ORTESOL is to promote scholarship, disseminate information, strengthen instruction and research at all levels in the teaching of English to speakers of other languages, and to cooperate in appropriate ways with other groups having similar concerns. We are continually looking at ways we can equip, challenge and support ESOL educators in the state of Oregon.

The ORTESOL Newsletter has historically been a place to hear about ORTESOL news, teaching tips, research theories, and relevant information on different special interest groups (K12, Refugee Concerns, Adult Education and Higher Education) from Oregon. We are shifting our quarterly newsletter to an the ORTESOL blog. This online format will allow more up to date information to be shared and allow us to link relevant articles from other education forums.

The ORTESOL membership is rich with varied perspectives, backgrounds and expertise. We would love to have members share their voice on the ORTESOL Blog!

There are many possibilities for articles, but here are a few ideas:

● What activity have you done in the classroom recently that had great success?

● What fun field trips or active learning projects have you done around the region?

● Do you have a book or resource review?

● What reflections do you have to new ESOL teachers?

● What advice would you give to planning an outside learning task?

● What content-based teaching ideas do you have?

● How do you use technology in the classroom?

● What highlights or knowledge do you have on a specific student language group?

● What is student perspective or story you could share? (You could interview them!)

● Who could you interview in the field of ESOL?

● Did you attend or know of an upcoming cultural event that would be relevant for members?

Be creative and tell your story! Check out our Newsletter Guidelines for additional tips on how to make your blog a success.


Mailing Address: PO Box 12322, Portland, OR 97212


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