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Oregon Teachers of English to Speakers of Other Languages

ORTESOL Impacting Oregon in 2019

16 Nov 2019 10:02 AM | Anonymous

We have been living out the mission of ORTESOL in many ways over the last year. Here are just a few of the achievements of members of our all-volunteer board of directors.

● Hosted “Empowering Teachers, Empowering Learners” a spring workshop at Clackamas Community College’s main campus with close to 100 participants, including the AVID Student Spotlight, hosted by K12 SIG Chair, Patrick Ahern.

● Established the “Advocacy” page on our website under the direction of Jessie Jimenez, our Advocacy SIG Chair, and proudly sponsored ESL Awareness Week, March 10-16, 2019 with a proclamation from Governor Kate Brown’s office.

● Advocated for Oregon teachers in Washington D.C. by meeting with staff members of three representatives and both Oregon senators to discuss the impact of policy on teachers and learners in Oregon. Two Oregon lawmakers subsequently co-sponsored the Reaching English Learners Act, which will provide resources to better equip educators to identify and instruct English learners.

● Walked with Portland Parks and Recreation’s Walk with Immigrants and Refugees.

● Walked at the “Red for Ed” rally in support of funding for K-12.

● Advocacy Chair, Jessie Jimenez, attended the TESOL Advocacy Summit in D.C.

● Vice-President, Davida Jordan, awarded two ORTESOL members, Kelsey Daniels and Maiko Hata, the James Nattinger Travel Grant to attend the TESOL Convention.

● Gave seven free TESOL memberships (value $98).

● And journal editors Verena Sutherland and Jennifer Morris Published the ORTESOL JOURNAL Volume 36, 2019. Check out current & past issues at

We look forward to continuing to support all ESOL professionals in Oregon. As we look ahead to 2020, Davida Jordan will lead ORTESOL as President, Jessie Jimenez will be Vice President, and Delpha Thomas will be staying on the board in a post-presidency role. If you are passionate about leadership and service, consider joining the ORTESOL board!  


Mailing Address: PO Box 12322, Portland, OR 97212


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